About the Content & Scope Workstream
The Content & Scope workstream was part of the grassroots community collaboration that worked towards creating a workplan and prototype for the Digital Public Library of America. There were six workstreams. The Conent & Scope workstream consisted of collaborators, or “conveners,” from all over the country, with a variety of interests and specializations. Conveners helped draw in participation from their respective communities.
As stated on the DPLA Content & Scope webpage:
“This workstream will identify content and articulate a collection development policy for the DPLA by confronting questions regarding management of and access to distributed materials, research, and data curation. It will undertake research that is relevant to core objectives, collect data concerning how many books and other materials exist in US libraries and their copyright status, and conduct analysis of already-digitized collections in the US and abroad. It will also work with the Technical Aspects workstream to recommend guidelines on bibliographic data, metadata, interoperability, and international cooperation. Questions to address include the creation of data models and how best to address user-generated, local, historical, and other largely non-commercial forms of content.”
Our Role
Then-Digital Library Federation Director, Rachel Frick, was co-chair the Content & Scope workstream for the Digital Public Library of America. Digital Library Federation Program Associate, Jena Winberry, also provided support as workstream coordinator.
10/21/11: Digital Public Library of America Plenary Meeting
2/2/12: 1st Content & Scope Workshop
4/27/12: DPLA West
8/6/12: 2nd Content & Scope Workshop
10/12/12: DPLA Midwest
2/28/13: Final Content & Scope Workshop
Recent News
- Reflections on community currents at #DPLAfest June 7, 2016This conference update was provided by T-Kay Sangwand, Librarian for Digital Collection Development at UCLA’s Digital Library Program. Find Sangwand on Twitter @tttkay. As an information professional committed to social justice and employing a critical lens to examine the impact of our work, I always look forward to seeing how these principles ...
- Reflections on DPLAfest from a DLF Cross-Pollinator May 17, 2016This conference update was provided by Nancy Moussa, Web Developer at University of Michigan Library and DPLA Michigan Representative. It has been a month now since I came back from DPLAfest in Washington, D.C. This year, there were over 450 people that attended the fest, which was co-hosted by the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and ...
- A Librarian in situ: Adventures at DPLAfest in Washington, DC May 9, 2016This conference update was provided by Jasmine Burns, Image Technologies and Visual Literacy Librarian, Indiana University. Twitter: @jazz_with_jazz Thanks to the generous support of the DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Grant, I spent two fully-packed days wandering through some of the most beautiful (both architecturally and intellectually) institutions in Washington DC. DPLAfest ...
- Announcing our 2016 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinators! March 24, 2016We are pleased to announce the recipients of our 2016 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants. These grants extend the opportunity to attend DPLAfest 2016 (April 14-15 in Washington, DC) to three people from DLF member organizations. The awards are part of a broader vision for partnership between CLIR/DLF and the DPLA. We believe robust community support is key ...
- Apply Now! DLF grants to attend DPLAfest 2016 March 3, 2016Thanks for all the great applications! Submissions are now CLOSED, and we will be announcing winners soon. The Digital Library Federation (DLF) and Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) are excited to partner once again in offering DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants. The purpose of these grants is to extend the opportunity to attend DPLAfest ...
- On the Spirit of Creative Exploration at DPLAfest May 21, 2015This conference report was provided by Scott W. H. Young, Digital Initiatives Librarian at Montana State University. @hei_scott | scottwhyoung.com It’s been just about a month now since the conclusion of the second annual DPLAfest in Indianapolis, where about 300 people gathered to discuss the current and future state of digital collections and digital publishing. Those in attendance ...
- A DPLA of Your Very Own May 18, 2015This conference report was provided by Benjamin Armintor, Programmer/Analyst at Columbia University Libraries and a 2015 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grant awardee. I work closely with the Hydra and Blacklight platforms in digital library work, and have followed the DPLA project with great interest as a potential source of data to drive Blacklight sites. I think of frameworks like ...
- Hungry for Hominy? Hackathon Projects & Shared Work at DPLAfest May 6, 2015This Conference Update was provided by Laura Wrubel, E-Resources Content Manager at The George Washington University and a 2015 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grant awardee. Dan Cohen kicked off DPLAfest 2015 to a full auditorium at the Indianapolis Public Library saying, “it may not be intimate, but it may be communal.” Throughout the event, I noticed a sense ...
- Announcing the 2015 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinators March 19, 2015We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2015 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants. The DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants is the first of a series of collaborations between CLIR/DLF and the Digital Public Library of America. It is our belief that the key to sustainability of large-scale national efforts require robust community support. ...
- Deadline Extended for DPLAfest Travel Grants March 6, 2015The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is excited to work with the Digital Library Federation (DLF) program of the Council on Library and Information Resources to offer DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants. The purpose of these grants is to extend the opportunity to attend DPLAfest 2015 to four DLF community members. Successful applicants ...