Here are some ways to stay connected with DLF and the digital library community. 

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CLIR/DLF Newsletters

Major news items are shared via Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) press releases. Sign up to receive CLIR News, CLIR’s bi-monthly newsletter. 

For DLF Forum-specific updates and information, we invite you to sign up for DLF Forum News

Listservs and Discussion Groups

DLF sponsors active community listservs  and various Google Groups, like those used by DLF working groups

Our publicly-joinable discussion groups include:

  • DLF-Announce: our primary listserv, for general news and announcements.
  • The CODE4LIB list: a forum for discussion of all things relating to programming code for libraries. 
  • NDSA-ALL: The National Digital Stewardship Alliance primary listserv for general news and announcements. 

Bookmark Our Community Calendar

Our Community Calendar is very active with information about upcoming conferences and events of interest to digital library practitioners! We welcome events related to digital libraries, digital humanities, open science and publishing, and art and cultural heritage related events worldwide. 

Want to contribute an event? Let us know by contacting us at

Grey Literature and Work in Progress

DLF and its working groups store materials on the Open Science Framework, GitHub, and our own DLF Wiki. Formal CLIR/DLF publications are available through CLIR.

CLIR/DLF Job Board

Our popular jobs board is available for posting, browsing, and searching. Search #DLFjobs on Twitter or read our weekly Jobs digest on DLF-Announce to stay up-to-date.

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