DLF Forum News

2014 DLF Forum Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to announce the two keynote speakers for the 2014 DLF Forum: On Monday, October 27th, Dr. Bethany Nowviskie will open the Forum, challenging our thinking

Announcing the 2014 DLF Forum Program

The 2014 DLF Forum is only two months away and the Program Planning Committee is happy to announce the program. We received over 100 proposals, our largest response

#libtechwomen Meetup

Monday, October 27 Starting at 8pm An informal meetup for women and their friends in library technology for networking and fun. Come join us! Learn

2014 DLF Forum Call for Proposals

The Digital Library Federation (DLF) is a robust and diverse community of practitioners who advance research, teaching, and learning through the application of digital library

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