Announcing the 2014 DLF Forum New Professionals Fellows

The DLF community includes staff who work in libraries and other information institutions who are lively, intellectually engaged, and inquisitive, but who are not always routinely funded to travel to conferences where they can learn more about the library profession, see digital initiatives from other institutions, and meet leaders in the profession.

DLF welcomes newcomers to the profession and new voices at the Forum. To further this aim we provide the DLF Forum Fellowships for New Professionals. Fellows receive up to $1,250 in travel assistance and complimentary Forum registration.

The slate of candidates was so strong that the Program Planning Committee elected to award an additional fellowship for a total of five.

2014 DLF Forum New Professionals Fellows

[image_frame height=”110″ width=”110″ caption=”Muzel Chen”][/image_frame]
Muzel Chen
IT Tech Specialist II, University of Alabama
@muzel_dh |

As the IT Technical Specialist II in the Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC), I collaborate with faculty and graduate students to create projects such as cultural heritage digital archives and exhibitions. My goal is to educate and empower these principle investigators by teaching them how to data-mine literary texts, create immersive experiences with 3D modeling, or manage crowd-sourced collaborative work. One of my favorite parts of working in the digital humanities is creating visualizations; as such work allows me to combine my background in both arts and programming. Prior to my time at the ADHC, I completed a Masters in Visual Effects from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), where I specialized in procedural modeling and animation. I also worked for several years in commercial photography, advertising, and photojournalism after receiving a BFA in Photography from the University of Georgia.


[image_frame height=”110″ width=”110″ caption=”Bret Davidson”][/image_frame]
Bret Davidson
Digital Technologies Development Librarian, North Carolina State University

I am currently a Digital Technologies Development Librarian at the North Carolina State University Libraries. I am technical lead on Suma, an open-source space and service usage assessment toolkit, and a developer on several other active NCSU projects including lentil, an open-source gem for creating community-driven collections of photos from Instagram, and Library Course Tools, a custom application for integrating course-specific resources into the library web site. Previously, I was an NCSU Libraries Fellow, a public school music educator, and a performing musician with the River City Brass Band in Pittsburgh, PA.


[image_frame height=”110″ width=”110″ caption=”Brianna Marshall”][/image_frame]
Brianna Marshall
Digital Curation Coordinator, University of Wisconsin-Madison
@notsosternlib |

I am the Digital Curation Coordinator for the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. I manage UW’s institutional repository and work with research data management and curation issues across campus, including acting as co-lead for the interdisciplinary group Research Data Services. I graduated with my MLS and MIS from the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing in May 2014.

[image_frame height=”110″ width=”110″ caption=”Brendan Quinn”][/image_frame]
Brendan Quinn
Digital Initiatives Librarian, Northwestern University Library


[image_frame height=”110″ width=”110″ caption=”Renee Romero”][/image_frame]
Renee Romero
Intern for LAUSD Digitization Project, University of California, Los Angeles

At the time I was named a New Professional Fellow, I was an undergraduate English major and Digital Humanities minor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). I worked on digitizing the rich history of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Education Records, with the Center for Primary Research and Training (housed in Special Collections). After my recent graduation, I was hired at Powell Library on the UCLA campus as the first Online Learning Library Assistant, where I create online modules to supplement classroom learning. In the future, I will continue my education and get my MLIS degree. I am in love with libraries, and am excited to learn more about everything digital libraries have to offer, and ways I can offer to digital libraries!

Congratulations to the Fellows! Look for their Forum reflection blog posts in November.

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