Announcing the 2014 ER&L + DLF Forum Cross-Pollinators

Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) and DLF are pleased to support two travel grants for the DLF Forum in Atlanta, October 27–29.

The purpose of these grants is to extend the opportunity to attend the DLF Forum to two library professionals who would not typically go, but who can envision and articulate a connection with their work and who see great value in building a dynamic and diverse peer network. The goal of the ER&L + DLF Travel Awards is to bring cross-pollinators—library professionals who can provide unique perspectives to our work and share a vision of the library world from their perspective—to the conference. We are pleased to announce the 2014 ER&L + DLF Forum Cross-Pollinators.

2014 ER&L + DLF Forum Cross-Pollinators

Netta Cox

Netta Cox
Head of Serials/Government Documents, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

I am the Head of Serials/Government Documents at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. My Master’s in Library Science is from Catholic University. I am a former Chesapeake Information and Research Library Alliance Fellow. I have experience working in academic, special, and federal libraries. My professional interests include serials, digital collections and archives. Attending the DLF Forum will provide me the opportunity to learn the latest trends and best practices in working with digitization projects. I will also be able to network and learn from top professionals in this field.

Emily Guhde

Emily Guhde
Online Services Librarian, NC LIVE

I am an Online Services Librarian at NC LIVE, a North Carolina consortium that provides digital content and services to 200 public and academic libraries statewide. My day-to-day work includes customer service for member libraries, research design, usage data analysis, and decision support for the NC LIVE Resource Advisory Committee. At the DLF Forum, I hope to learn more about successful digital library partnerships and best practices for research data management. I am also looking forward to connecting with other digital library professionals to discuss their current research projects and ideas for the future.

Congratulations to the Cross-Pollinators! Look for their Forum reflection blog posts in November.

The Cross-Pollinator Travel Award is a reciprocal program with ER&L, Electronic Resources and Libraries. Find information on the next award in the cycle here.

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