DLF Forum News

Fellow Reflection: Ana Ndumu

  Ana Ndumu (@AnaNdumu) is a doctoral student at Florida State University and attended the 2017 Forum as an HBCU Fellow. The award, which brought 24 fellows to

Fellow Reflection: Fletcher Durant

  Fletcher Durant (@fletcherdurant) is the Preservation Librarian at University of Florida Smathers Libraries, and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as a Kress + DLF Fellow affiliated

Fellow Reflection: Nicola Andrews

  Nicola Andrews (@maraebrarian) is currently NCSU Libraries Fellow at North Carolina State University and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as an HBCU Fellow. The award, which brought

Fellow Reflection: Charlotte Kostelic

  Charlotte Kostelic (@chuckkostelic) is the National Digital Stewardship Resident for the Georgian Papers Programme hosted by the Library of Congress and Royal Collection Trust.

Fellow Reflection: Jennifer A. Ferretti

    Jennifer A. Ferretti (@CityThatReads) is the Digital Initiatives Librarian at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as an ARL+ DLF

Fellow Reflection: Stacie Traill

  Stacie Traill (@straikat) is a Metadata Analyst at the University of Minnesota Libraries, and has worked extensively with electronic resources metadata and library discovery

Fellow Reflection: kYmberly Keeton

  kYmberly Keeton (@kymizsofly) is an Independent Publisher and Art Librarian with bookista media group,  and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as an HBCU Fellow. The award, which brought

Fellow Reflection: Deborah Caldwell

  Deborah Caldwell (@databrarian) is currently pursuing a Master of Information Science at the University of North Texas, and  explores the intersections of digital literacy,

Fellow Reflection: Pearl Adzei-Stonnes

  Pearl Adzei-Stonnes is Acquisitions Librarian at Virginia Union University and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as an HBCU Fellow. The award, which brought 24 fellows to

Fellow Reflection: Amy Marshall Furness

  Amy Marshall Furness isthe Rosamond Ivey Special Collections Archivist and Head of Library & Archives at the E.P. Taylor Library & Archives, Art Gallery

Fellow Reflection: Mary Jo Fayoyin

  Mary Jo Fayoyin is Dean of Library Services at Savannah State University, and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as an HBCU Fellow. The award, which

Fellow Reflection: LeTisha Stacey

  LeTisha Stacey (@tisha1811) is currently a Digital Librarian/Archivist at Philander Smith College and attended the 2017 DLF Forum as an HBCU Fellow. The award, which

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