AIG’s Cultural Assessment Working Group presents “Towards Building Equitable Language Technologies”

DLF Digital Library AssessmentOn Thursday, December 9th, 1:00PM Eastern, the Cultural Assessment Working Group (CAWG) Outreach Task Force will host a webinar on “Towards Building Equitable Language Technologies,” presented by Su Lin Blodgett. Su Lin earned a Ph.D in computer science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE) group at Microsoft Research Montréal.  She is broadly interested in examining the social implications of language technologies. In her words, “Language technologies are now ubiquitous. Yet the benefits of these technologies do not accrue evenly to all people, and they can be harmful. In this talk, I will take a tour through the rapidly emerging body of research examining bias and harm in language technologies, and offer some perspective on the challenges of this work.”

If you are interested in natural language processing, AI, machine learning, or information structuring that lends itself to collections as data, please join us for this talk.

This event relates directly to CAWG’s mission to raise awareness of cultural bias and to strive for diversity, equity, and inclusivity in digital collections practice.

Mark your calendars and enjoy! For call-in information, contact

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