The Cultural Assessment Group wants to highlight our early draft of the Selection Workflow Framework, which can be found here.
For a bit of context here is the description of the project from summer:
The DLF Cultural Assessment Interest Group, part of the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group (DLF AIG), is developing a best-practices toolkit to assist institutions with culturally responsible digital repository selection and collection. Part of our preliminary work is to identify shared and divergent workflows in digital collection building. The first step in characterizing collection workflows is to gather examples of the selection process at various institutions. This past Summer, the DLF Cultural Assessment working group put together an initial survey to kick off our fact-finding mission. The goal of this project is to provide a base understanding of selection practices for digital collections across cultural heritage institutions, big and small.
Thanks to everyone who has already helped and contributed to this effort. As always, we are looking for people to get involved and help out. We are using Github as a platform both for distribution as well as updates and hope it is a collaborative, community-based project. The group has posted our documents both for the Selection Framework and the Annotated Bibliography at https://github.com/cultural-assessment/doc-comments – please share with those who might be interested.
It’s worth pointing out that the Selection Workflow Framework is based on our abstractions from a relatively small number of responses. Although we think it’s a great start, we very much welcome more feedback. Given our goal to increase the diversity profile of-and-within collections, we are especially interested in having other groups provide comments and ideas beyond our traditional library respondents, including Native American Archives, Public Libraries and Museums. Add your voice by taking our survey.