DLF Forum 2023: Get to Know DLF’s Born-Digital Access Working Group

This post is part of a series authored by DLF’s working group leaders to acquaint you with their work, and how you can get involved, leading up to the 2023 DLF Forum.

Though the annual Forum is DLF’s signature event, our working groups collaborate year round. DLF’s working groups organize across institutional and geographical boundaries to collaborate and get stuff done. Working group participation is open to anyone interested in getting involved, regardless of whether or not you work or study at a DLF member organization.

Attending the 2023 DLF Forum? Don’t miss BDAWG’s meet and greet taking place on Monday, November 13 at 2:15pm ET. View on Sched.

Are you concerned how AI will impact born digital access?
Join us at DLF Forum on November 13, 2023!

The DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group produces research on and advances the practice of providing access to born-digital collections. This work has produced an array of resources over the past eighteen months that provide guidance on everything from legal and ethical considerations regarding born digital access (1) to born digital description in finding aids (2). Additionally, we organized an SAA session that brought archivists together to talk about access and born-digital archival access systems. The lessons learned from this work, and the foundational documentation that resulted, will undoubtedly inform our next steps. This year we will address the ethical concerns that will shape our daily work by opening up a conversation about AI.

If you have an interest in this topic we invite you to attend the DLF Forum BDAWG Meet and Greet on Monday, November 13 from 2:15-3:00PM. During this session we will discuss the concerns and questions you may have regarding the ethics of AI in relation to born digital access. In an unconference format we will gather your thoughts and form themes for small discussion groups, followed by group reporting. We hope that this session will provide the ideas and inspiration needed to formalize our work over the next year.

To virtually join this conversation please visit us on Slack (DLF-BDAWG) and join our #ai-ethics channel. We have shared some great resources there to feed our discussions and welcome new insights and feedback. Additionally, all are welcome to attend our meetings bi-monthly on the second Tuesday – check group communications for subgroup meetings or the DLF Community Calendar for the most up-to-date schedule.

For information regarding current and past BDAWG activities please visit our web page.

Nicole Scalessa, co-coordinator, nscalessa@vassar.edu
Tori Maches, co-coordinator
Steven Gentry, Visioning Access Systems subgroup lead

(1) Legal and Ethical Considerations for Born-Digital Access. (Drmacich et al., 2022). https://osf.io/ketr7/
(2) Born Digital Description in Finding Aids. (Dietz et al., 2022). https://osf.io/dtkpm/


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