[Free Webinar] Learn how to leverage XML for journal discoverability and preservation

This post was contributed by Scholastica who is co-hosting this webinar with DLF members University of Oregon and George Washington University.

Calling all library journal editors and publishing personnel! Are you trying to expand the readership of one or more scholarly journals you work with? There’s an upcoming webinar that can help!

On January 19th at 4 PM ET / 1 PM PT, Scholastica, UOregon Libraries, and the George Washington University Masters in Publishing program are co-hosting “When XML Marks the Spot: Machine-readable journal articles for discovery and preservation.” The educational webinar will cover why depositing articles into relevant indexes and archives is paramount to journal discoverability and preservation and how XML can support your efforts. This webinar is free and open to anyone interested in attending.

Click here to register for the webinar! Everyone will get a link to the full recording.


Webinar overview

Depositing journal articles into relevant academic indexes and archives presents a treasure trove of opportunities to expand their discoverability and reputation while ensuring long-term content preservation. Indexes and archives serve as valuable distribution channels, and inclusion in selective ones (e.g., PubMed Central) signals research quality. You may have heard about Extensible Markup Language (a.k.a. XML), one of the primary machine-readable formats academic databases use to ingest content, and wonder if that’s something you need to reach your journal indexing and archiving goals.

During this webinar, representatives from journal publishing technology provider Scholastica will cover why depositing articles into relevant indexes and archives is paramount to journal discoverability and how XML can help, including:

  • The different types of XML used by indexes and archives (with an overview of Journal Article Tag Suite a.k.a. JATS formatting)
  • How producing article-level metadata and/or full-text XML can help unlock journal discovery and archiving opportunities with examples
  • Additional benefits of XML for journal accessibility as well as publishing program and professional development 
  • When XML is needed and when it may not be the best use of journal resources
  • Ways to produce XML, including an overview of Scholastica’s digital-first production service

Following the presentation, there will be time for live Q&A with the Scholastica team, UOregon librarians, and GWU publishing program faculty, so bring your questions!


Register for the webinar

By the end of this webinar, attendees will come away with a solid understanding of what XML is, how it factors into journal archiving and indexing, and when and how to leverage XML to reach different journal archiving and indexing goals.

We invite you to register for the webinar here. Even if you can’t make the live presentation, everyone who signs up will get a link to the full Zoom recording.

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