DLF announces revised Organizer’s Toolkit; Museums Cohort name change

DLF staff is thrilled to share the following updates with our community:

After a lengthy review process conducted by DLF staff, we are pleased to share the revised DLF Organizer’s Toolkit! Minor updates to the toolkit have been made to reflect the ways that organizing and facilitating groups and meetings have changed over the past few years, as well as updating any outdated information and broken links found therein. Additionally, the Organizer’s Toolkit has moved from the DLF wiki to our website to make this valuable resource easier to find. Though this means that community members may no longer edit the Toolkit directly, we thank past and present DLF staff and community organizers for their contributions to this living document, and welcome and encourage suggestions from the community to keep it relevant. See something missing from the Toolkit? Contact us at info@diglib.org


Since 2015, DLF’s Museums Cohort has provided a space for practitioners across disciplinary and institutional boundaries to come together to build skills, share ideas, strengthen digital engagement and collections, and advance technological initiatives, specifically within the museum, arts-based institution, and cultural heritage context. In the spirit of openness and accessibility, the Museums Cohort is now the Arts and Cultural Heritage Working Group! The mission and intent of the group will remain as it has, but the name change is to reflect the fact that, just like all of DLF’s working groups, participation is open to museum, library, archives, and arts and cultural heritage students and professionals working and studying across a variety of institutional types, whether or not they are DLF members. DLF staff continues to investigate potential new directions for the group to take; however, if you are interested in convening the group for a presentation, working or brainstorming session, topic discussion, or other gathering, please do not hesitate to reach out to DLF staff and we will help you organize a call for the group.

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