DLF is pleased to support five tuition awards for the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in Vancouver, BC, June 2016.
The goal of these fellowships is to create “cross-pollinators”—professionals who move freely among our (sometimes walled) gardens. In an increasingly networked world, DLF means to increase communication between all groups interested in the future of information, including museums, libraries, colleges and universities, and anyone working in digital collections and services.
We are pleased to announce the 2016 Cross-Pollinators: Eleanor Dickson, David Greene, Patricia Hswe, Erin Pappas, and Ellen Prokop.
Meet the 2016 DLF + DHSI Cross-Pollinators
[image_frame style=”shadow” align=”left” height=”150″ width=”124″]https://www.diglib.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/11/EleanorDickson3.png[/image_frame]Eleanor Dickson
HathiTrust Research Center Digital Humanities Specialist, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“My work promoting large-scale analysis of a massive digital library is at the intersection of the DLF and DHSI communities. I’m looking forward to building my digital humanities skill set through the deep learning experience afforded by the week-long courses at DHSI. I hope to apply what I learn to the training I conduct for the HathiTrust Research Center, as well as to the support I offer local scholars at my institution.”
[image_frame style=”shadow” align=”left” height=”127″ width=”125″]https://www.diglib.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/11/dave-headshot1.jpg[/image_frame]David Greene
Liaison Librarian, McGill University (Humanities & Social Sciences Library)
“Originally hailing from St. John’s, Newfoundland, I am the liaison librarian for Communication & Media Studies, Human Geography, and the School of Information Studies at McGill University in Montréal. I hold a BA in English and French from Memorial University of Newfoundland and an MLIS from the University of Western Ontario. Fascinated by how the revolution in digital technology has begun to touch virtually every aspect of modern life, my interest in digital humanities was sparked during my Master’s degree, when I had the opportunity to study natural language processing, digital curation, and how libraries and librarians might better support digital humanities projects. I look forward to learning about out of the box text encoding solutions at the DHSI this summer so I can better support digital humanities work at McGill and spread enthusiasm for DH among my colleagues.”
[image_frame style=”shadow” align=”left” height=”104.5″ width=”125″]https://www.diglib.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/11/small_hswe_dlf-dhsi-c-p.png[/image_frame]Patricia Hswe
Co-department head, Publishing and Curation Services / Penn State Libraries
@pmhswe | patriciahswe.net
“I am co-department head of Publishing and Curation Services at the Penn State Libraries. I also lead user services for ScholarSphere, Penn State’s Hydra/Fedora-based institutional repository for sharing and preserving scholarly work, including research data. I am especially passionate about building communities, partnerships, and environments for researchers, including students, that test and push at the boundaries of scholarship as it’s traditionally been understood and evaluated. This ultimately means testing and pushing myself as a librarian. Being able to attend the DHSI has long been a goal of mine, and I am absolutely thrilled to receive a tuition grant enabling me to do so next summer.”
[image_frame style=”shadow” align=”left” height=”104″ width=”126″]https://www.diglib.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/11/Pappas_Headshot_DLF.jpg[/image_frame]Erin Pappas
Librarian for European Languages and Social Sciences at Georgetown University
“I am Georgetown University Library’s research and instruction librarian for Slavic Languages and Literatures. Through DHSI, I hope to connect with digital humanists and scholars who focus on text analysis and preservation. I’m especially excited to learn ways to use out-of-the-box tools for working with non-Roman scripts and to share those with colleagues and students.”
[image_frame style=”shadow” align=”left” height=”150″ width=”100″]https://www.diglib.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/11/Prokop1.jpg[/image_frame]Ellen Prokop
Associate Photoarchivist, Frick Art Reference Library, and Adjuct Assistant Professor, Paul McGhee Division of the School of Professional Studies, New York University
“I am an art historian specializing in early modern art and architecture, collecting studies and Digital Art History (DAH). I hold positions at New York University, where I teach courses in art history and museum studies for the Paul McGhee Division of the School of Professional Studies, and the Frick Art Reference Library, New York, where I am the Associate Photoarchivist and a member of the Digital Art History Lab (DAHL). Attending the DHSI this summer is an exciting prospect: I am looking forward to not only learning new software and analytical techniques but also meeting many likeminded professionals who using these tools to explore new perspectives on their research and develop innovative teaching strategies in the classroom.”
Each will receive a tuition award that covers one course at DHSI 2016. Congratulations to the Cross-Pollinators!