In partnership with Hack Day organizers at the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), we’re happy to introduce the four individuals who will act as our virtual cross-pollinators this year! If you’re interested in Audio-Visual resources, be sure to follow our DLF-funded fellows, as they connect discussions of use & preservation across the DLF Forum, NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2016, and the fourth annual AMIA/DLF Hack Day. We’re looking forward to seeing the team in action!
Rachel Mattson
Manager of Digital Projects at the Archives of La MaMa Experimental TheaterCore
Member of XFR Collective
Rachel will be attending both the Forum and AMIA this year.
Sarah Barsness
Digital Collections Assistant, Minnesota Historical Society
Sarah will be attending DigiPres16!
Ethan Gates
Moving Image Archiving and Preservation Technician, NYU Dept. of Cinema Studies
Ethan will be attending AMIA/DLF Hack Day! Read his blog here.
Lorena Ramirez-Lopez
NDSR Resident, Howard University Television Station
Lorena will be at the AMIA/DLF Hack Day!
To participate in all the great A/V conversations to come, use #AVhack16 on Twitter.