2016 Fellows, Part II!

We’re glad to welcome six Cross-Pollinators to our cohort of 2016 Fellows, five of whom will be attending the Forum in November, and one who will be traveling to MCN!

Our Force11 Cross-Pollinator Fellow comes to us as part of a reciprocal program that sent a DLF community member to the FORCE2016 conference in the spring. (See Joshua Finnell’s report.)

Our DLF-GLAM Cross-Pollinator Fellows come to us through a generous grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation and the partnership of colleagues at ARLIS/NA, MCN, and AIC, and VRA. With this program, the Digital Library Federation seeks to bring new voices and perspectives to our Forum–particularly those from the art museum community–and to continue our practice of “cross-pollination” by sending accomplished DLF practitioners and Forum attendees to valuable conferences they might not otherwise visit. Museum and library staff face similar challenges in the digital landscape and yet have too few opportunities to come together. Our 2016/17 fellowship winners will join a larger cohort of 2016 DLF Forum Fellows and Cross-Pollinator Fellows, and will be asked to share their experiences with a
wide audience on the DLF blog.

Applications for DLF practitioners to travel to ARLIS/NAAIC, and VRA in 2017 are still open!

Kress+DLF Cross-Pollinator Fellows

SherriBergerSherri Berger
Product Manager
California Digital Library

As a product manager at the California Digital Library, I focus on front-end development of the statewide digital collection aggregations the Online Archive of California and Calisphere. I am thrilled to be attending the Museum Computer Network conference this year, where I hope to learn more about how museums develop, manage, and share digital collections. I’m especially interested in creative projects museums have undertaken and experimental tools they have implemented to engage users with digital collections in new ways.


Brenna Campbell
Rare Books Conservator
Princeton University Library

As a Rare Books Conservator at Princeton University Library, I treat a wide range of bound materials from Princeton’s rare and special collections, and consult on preservation projects to ensure the longevity of the collections as a whole. I have provided conservation support for several digitization projects, both at Princeton and in previous positions at Harvard University, The Morgan Library & Museum, The Museum of Modern Art, and University of Iowa Libraries. I look forward to using my time at the Forum to gain a more holistic understanding of digital library projects, and to learn more about digital repositories.

lisathumbnailLisa Goldberg
Private Conservator and AIC News Editor

As an active member of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic works, I have a long term interest in developing conservation and collections care resources for the entire community, especially those that allow wider distribution and growth through digital participation. I am also currently enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh’s graduate program in Library and Information Science so as to learn more about library and archival principles and practice as I continue to think about the larger communication issues that face conservators who want to share and save information resources.


Stacy R. Williams
Head, Helen Topping Architecture and Fine Arts Library
University of Southern California

At the University of Southern California (USC) Libraries, I provide instruction, outreach, and research consultations for architecture, art history, and fine arts. During instruction sessions, I encourage the exploration of the USC Digital Library as a way of discovering the history of Los Angeles’ public art and architecture through its online collection of images. I am looking forward to attending DLF 2016, to learn more about how digital humanities can be incorporated into instruction for undergraduate students. My goal is to create workflows for small scale digital humanities projects that students can recreate using the collections of USC Libraries.


Karina Wratschko
Special Projects Librarian
Philadelphia Museum of Art

As the Special Projects Librarian at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, I project manage and assist with research and development of new initiatives, digital tools, and platforms. I find discussions about supporting digital scholarship through open licenses, interoperable information infrastructures, and interactive digital presentations fascinating. Since I am the Project Manager for the National Digital Stewardship Residency for art information professionals (NDSR Art), I am thrilled to be able to attend sessions about innovative digital preservation practices and building communities of practice at both the forum and Digital Preservation 2016. I am so honored to be selected and look forward to meeting and learning from the DLF community.

Force11+DLF Cross-Pollinator Fellow

HuePhamHue Thi Pham
Head of Training and Research Support Division
Hanoi University Library, Vietnam

I am the Head of Training and Research Support Division at Hanoi University Library, Vietnam and a Research Associate at Monash University, Australia. I have just completed my PhD in Information Technology at Monash University and will be attending the graduation ceremony on 26th October! I am interested in collaboration among different stakeholders of universities to promote digital scholarship and research partnership. I am also keen on working in inter-disciplinary research through which people with different knowledge, expertise, skills, and cultures can work together to address critical research problems from multiple perspectives. Coming to DLF forum, I am expecting to expand my knowledge of the current digital library technologies in promoting scholarly communication, digital scholarship, and e-research services; and to network with other academics, GLAM experts, and IT specialists to share new ideas and collaborate in international research. I am active on Research Gate and Academia.edu. Looking forward to seeing you in Milwaukee!

A warm welcome to all our 2016 Fellows; we look forward to reading about your experiences on the blog!

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