Openlab Workshop recordings and report now available

In the months following the Openlab Workshop and Unconference/Ignite Talks, a handful of folks have been busy writing, analyzing, and synthesizing ideas, to chart a course forward. We here at DLF are excited to share with the broader community several outcomes of that process, inspired and informed by two days of collaboration and discussion focusing on transformational change in the GLAM sector.

The Openlab Ignite Videos

Videographer Daniel Kolen has created terrific videos from the Ignite talks, and we’ll be rolling them out over the next couple of weeks on the CLIR/DLF YouTube channel. (If you aren’t already, follow @CLIRDLF and @Openlabw on Twitter to catch the videos as they roll out.) Dan also created an amazing supercut combining highlights from each Ignite talk into one three-minute video, which you can watch below. Thank you, Dan!

The Openlab Workshop Report

In a report available now, Diane Zorich summarizes and synthesizes the discussions that took place at the Openlab workshop, focusing primarily on the second day of the event. The report highlights the backdrop, key ideas and themes, and possible next steps for the Openlab concept. Read the report on the Openlab public wiki at:

The Openlab Storify

We’ve also rounded up a collection of Tweets and photos from both days of the events, into a multimedia recap available now as a “Storify” story:

We leave you with this reflection from Michael Peter Edson, “instigator-in-chief” of Openlab:

From my perspective, looking back on the feedback, comments, and questions I’ve received since the Openlab workshop, it is clear to me that the Openlab concept has hit upon something powerful in the GLAM/humanities community. There seems to be an untapped energy—a restlessness, creativity, and sense of urgency about the potential for transformational change and a desire for leadership, cohesion, and collaboration. It is clear to me that we have the start of a deft and powerful initiative in our hands.

Thank you, Mike—and on behalf of DLF, thanks to all Openlab participants for inspiring and informing this concept!

Read more:
NEH Awards a Cooperative Agreement to the Council on Library and Information Resources for the Openlab Workshop

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