NDSA Welcomes Two New Members

As of 13 December 2022, the NDSA Leadership unanimously voted to welcome two recent applicants into the membership. Each new member brings a host of skills and experience to our group. Keep an eye out for them on your calls and be sure to give them a shout out. Please join me in welcoming our new members.

Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University‘s library has been involved in digital preservation work for over a decade, primarily preserving master digitized files and in recent years, accepting more and more born-digital manuscript items and web archives. Their archive currently holds 87 TB and about 2.5 million files, and they currently add between ten and fifteen TB each year. They are growing their Digital Initiatives department, and seeking to better develop policies, workflows, systems, and outreach in order to ensure the longevity of their important digital collections. They are looking forward to engaging with national peers in the conversations, research, collaborations, and initiatives surrounding the art of digital preservation.

KRIA: The Icelandic Constitution Archives

KRIA is a community effort to gather and make openly available the content around the citizen-driven Icelandic constitutional reform process. In 2011, Iceland rewrote its constitution using an historically open approach. This offered an inspiring new way to think about how citizens can participate in policy reform using available technology. What resulted was a draft constitution that was affirmed by a public referendum. Iceland’s proposed constitution has not yet been ratified by Althingi (the Icelandic Parliament), but the initiative is still alive and gaining international attention. However, the ephemeral nature of digital-born content poses a threat to the constitutional process materials safety and public access. The KRIA archive hopes to make this information available as a resource for the community, scholars, and future generations. Among the partners in this effort are the Icelandic Constitutional Society, Icelandic National Archives, the University of Washington, the University of Iceland, and peace building nonprofit Build Up.


~ posted by Hannah Wang, Vice Chair of the NDSA Coordinating Committee

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