Lead, Follow, or Listen? Liberal Arts Colleges in DLF

This is an update from Laurie Allen (@librlaurie), Coordinator for Digital Scholarship and Services at Haverford Library.

What are the big issues in the world of digital libraries? How do Liberal Arts Colleges fit into the mix? Are there areas where our smaller size and close-knit communities can allow us to take the lead within the larger digital library community? Are there areas where we can all agree to let our friends at bigger schools take the lead and we’ll follow their path? Are there issues about which we need not have an opinion or take any action, and where we can simply observe the conversations as listeners? 

After a day full of presentations, we will be ending the DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference with an interactive panel designed to spark conversations about the role of LAC’s in the larger digital library community. The panel will be fast-paced and fun, with DLF Director Bethany Nowviskie serving as emcee as our panelists engage our audience participants on a range of digital library topics. For each topic, the community will vote on whether LAC’s should lead, follow, or listen. If you have a few minutes, whether you work in a Liberal Arts College or not, we’d love to get your insight into the topics and questions and we welcome suggestions of debates, issues, or concerns that we’ve left out.

Take a Short Survey to help us identify topics!

(you need not work in a Liberal Arts College)

Our topics so far:

open source software development, institution-wide preservation, making movement (makerspaces, etc), undergraduate engagement in digital humanities, research data management and preservation for small collections, research data management and preservation for big data, off the shelf vendor products, moocs and online learning, increasing diversity in digital libraries, publishing – open-access journals, publishing – open-access books, open educational resources, digital humanities, infrastructure to engage in boutique faculty research projects, collaboration – inside our institutions, collaboration outside our institutions, community engagement, public humanities, crowdsourcing, linked data

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