This Event Update was provided by Kendall Roark, CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences, University of Alberta Libraries.
The E-Research Peer Network and Mentoring Group Open House Webinar
Sponsored by CLIR/DLF
March 12, 2014, 12-1:30pm EST
CLIR/DLF recently announced the E-Research Peer Network and Mentoring Group (ERPNMG) created for former E-Science Institute (ESI) participants wishing to connect with peer institutions in various stages of research data service implementation. ESI alumni expressed the desire to build a shared community in a way that enables effective and efficient collaboration and strengthens skills necessary to meet the challenges associated with research data service development successfully.
The ERPNMG provides a mix of formal and informal opportunities for networking, resource sharing, and collaboration supported by CLIR/DLF’s organizational resources, as well as access to structured webinars and personalized consultations. CLIR/DLF is working with ESI faculty (Nancy McGovern and Chuck Humphrey) and CLIR/DLF postdoctoral fellows in data curation (including myself) to develop and facilitate this course.
An open house webinar with Chuck Humphrey is scheduled for March 12, from 12-1:30 PM EST. Please join us to learn more about ERPNMG during this open session. No registration required: http://clir.adobeconnect.com/peer_network/.
The first official structured course webinar will take place on April 23. A series of webinars and personalized consultations will run from April to October 2014. The course will culminate with an in-person event on October 26, 2014, where peer groups will have the opportunity to report back, connect, network, and collaborate. Participants will be encouraged to continue engagement with the community during the course and maintain regular meetings and contact after the course ends.
Who should sign up?
- E-Science Institute alumni
- Institutions or individuals planning or implementing research data management services that would benefit from personalized consultations and opportunities for peer evaluation
How will the ERPNMG help my institution?
- Personalized consultations to assess each institution’s strategic agenda, and identify next steps for planning and implementing research data management services.
- Structured webinars and virtual meetings that provide a venue for sharing progress and gaining formal peer feedback.
- Informal online gathering space for teams to work together on integrating specific aspects of research data management into each institution’s services.
- In-person meeting on October 26, 2014, where peer teams will have the opportunity to report back, connect, network, and collaborate.
- Ongoing support for the community of practice that emerges from ERPNMG.
- First webinar course, April 23, http://clir.adobeconnect.com/peer_network/
- A webinar every 5-6 weeks
- In-person meeting October 26, 2014 in Atlanta, GA before the DLF Forum
- Registration open until March 31
- Cost of registration: $4,500 (includes participation of up to 3 individuals from each institution)
[button link=”https://netforum.avectra.com/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=CLIR&WebCode=EventDetail&evt_key=80fb6060-9e4b-4fad-b5c4-493c9128daeb” size=”small” variation=”wheat” align=”center” target=”blank”]Register for the ERPNMG [/button]
For more information please contact Louisa Kwasigroch, DLF Senior Program Associate, lkwasigroch@clir.org, +1-202-939-4758.