Featured Sponsor: CCS Content Conversion Specialists

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” alt=”Claus Gravenhorst, CCS” title=”Claus Gravenhorst, CCS” height=”130″ width=”130″ caption=”Claus Gravenhorst”]https://www.diglib.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/09/Gravenhorst.jpg[/image_frame]

This sponsor update is by Claus Gravenhorst, Director Strategic Initiatives.


10 years of working in and with the Digital Library community – What we have done and why YOU play a big part.

Our company CCS has been involved in developing special software solutions for the Cultural Heritage community since 2000, but it was when we were asked to join the EU research project METAe* that things really took off.

We worked with so many renowned libraries and institutions (Cornell, Library of Congress, Harvard, Stanford, Michigan, European Libraries to name but a few), learning about your needs, ideas and visions.

The result? Our software tool for structured digitization- docWorks/METAe – brought to market in 2003, and adopted by many US institutions, who continued to provide valuable feedback.

It was around that time that we started attending and contributing to METS workshops as well as DLF forums. What can I say, once again the community gave us their thoughts and set us in the right direction – I recall that one of the early DLF forums presented the MODS metadata standard. We had already implemented Dublin Core at the time, but the discussions and facts we were given made us realise the power of the new MODS standard.

The result? We adopted MODS right away.

So you see, your input into the Digital Community, especially through the DLF, lets us discover more about what you want and where you are heading. And we want to be part of that journey, which is why we shall be speaking about future perspectives in our poster session “The future lies in guided research” at this year’s forum. I am sure there will be lots to talk about!

Looking forward to seeing you in Austin!

*The METAe metadata engine project (http://meta-e.aib.uni-linz.ac.at/) focused on creating software tools for the conversion of printed material into highly structured digital objects

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