DPLA and the Digital Library Federation team up to offer special DPLAfest travel grants


Applications for this year’s travel grants are closed. Meet the 2015 DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinators.

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is excited to work with the Digital Library Federation (DLF) program of the Council on Library and Information Resources to offer DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants. The purpose of these grants is to extend the opportunity to attend DPLAfest 2015 to four DLF community members. Successful applicants should be able to envision and articulate a connection between the DLF community and the work of DPLA.

It is our belief that the key to sustainability of large-scale national efforts require robust community support. Connecting DPLA’s work to the energetic and talented DLF community is a positive way to increase serendipitous collaboration around this shared digital platform.

The goal of the DPLA + DLF Travel Grants is to bring cross-pollinators—active DLF community  contributors who can provide unique perspectives to our work and share the vision of DPLA from their perspective—to the conference. By teaming up with the DLF to provide travel grants, it is our hope to engage DLF community members and connect them to exciting areas of growth and opportunity at DPLA.

The travel grants include DPLAfest 2015 conference registration, travel costs, meals, and lodging in Indianapolis.

The DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grants is the first of a series of collaborations between CLIR/DLF and DPLA.


Four awards of up to $1,250 each to go towards the travel, board, and lodging expenses of attending DPLAfest 2015. Additionally, the grantees will each receive a complimentary full registration to the event ($75). Recipients will be required to write a blog post about their experience subsequent to DPLAfest; this blog post will be co-published by DLF and DPLA.


Applicants must be a staff member of a current DLF member organization and not currently working on a DPLA hub team.


**Deadline Extended**

Send an email by March 5th 11th, 5 pm ET, containing the following items (in one document) to egallivan@clir.org, with the subject “DPLAFest Travel Grant: [Full Name]”:

  • Cover letter of nomination from the candidate’s supervisor/manager or an institutional executive, including acknowledgement that candidate would not have been funded to attend DPLAfest.
  • Personal statement from the candidate (ca. 500 words) explaining their educational background, what their digital library/collections involvement is, why they are excited about digital library/collections work, and how they see themselves benefiting from and participating in DPLAfest.
  • A current résumé.

Applications may be addressed to the DPLA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Committee.


Candidates will be selected by DPLA and DLF staff. In assessing the applications, we will look for a demonstrated commitment to digital work, and will consider the degree to which participation might enhance communication and collaboration between the DLF and DPLA communities. Applicants will be notified of their status no later than March 16, 2015.

These fellowships are generously supported by the Council on Library and Information Resource’s Digital Library Federation program.


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