Featured post from 2022 DLF Forum sponsor George Blood LP. Learn more about this year’s sponsors on the Forum website.
Committed to Exceptional Quality and Service for Your Historic Media
For more than 20 years, the Open Archival Information System reference model has been the guide for long-term digital preservation. Likewise, NDSA’s Levels of Digital Preservation has helped institutions assess where they are and plan their next steps. For over 30 years, George Blood LP has been working with archives that are ready to move past planning and into the production stage. In that time, we have helped large and small institutions preserve over 1.25 million machine dependent audiovisual records on obsolete media. Our unique experience with antiquated data carriers helps us understand what can go wrong with digital storage over time. From metadata to checksums, we have worked to ensure that content, now preserved through digital surrogates, will remain accessible for future generations.
We offer:
- door-to-door pick-up in Boston, New York City, Washington, DC and surrounding areas
- climate-controlled storage with fire protection, PEM loggers, and secure access
- laboratory for conservation treatments with fume hoods, temperature-controlled ovens, and every known format of tape cleaner
- playback of over 200 audiovisual formats and over 50 data formats
- world class Engineers with over 50 Grammy nominations and two dozen Grammy awards
- full-time Quality Control staff checking every deliverable
- library and archives professionals throughout the organization, including Collections Care and Project Management
Our ongoing in-house research and development explores factors affecting the entire lifecycle of preservation. We widely share our findings through conference presentations and scholarly publications. Be sure to attend George’s presentation on our study of the carbon footprint of checksum verification, presented with our colleagues from WGBH, at 11:15am on Thursday, October 13th.
To discuss how George Blood LP can help you with your collection survey or digitization needs, visit our team in the Baltimore Foyer of the conference hotel.
See what we’ve been doing lately