DLF Digest: June 2024

DLF Digest logo: DLF logo at top center "Digest" is centered. Beneath is "Monthly" aligned left and "Updates" aligned right.


A monthly round-up of news, upcoming working group meetings and events, and CLIR program updates from the Digital Library Federation. See all past Digests here

Greetings, DLF Community! Planning is in full swing for the in-person DLF Forum coming up next month in Michigan. The program is available and registration is open while space remains. We’re also looking ahead to next year and have issued a Call for Hosts for next year’s Forum – if your organization might be a good fit, we hope you’ll submit an application or get in touch. Our Working Groups are also remaining busy this month as regular group meetings continue; check out all they’re up to below and on the Community Calendar. We wish you a wonderful June, and we hope to see you at one of our events in the coming weeks!

– Team DLF


This month’s news:

This month’s DLF group events:

DLF Pedagogy Group Slack Chat

The June 2024 DLFTeach Slack chat, “Incorporating political turmoil into your digital pedagogy,” will be a conversational space to share how you’re coping with ongoing global crises in your instructional spaces. While this is not a stage for debating political stances or issues, we do invite you to share the resources and reflections you’ve collected in wrestling with current events as a digital pedagogist.

Join the discussion via Slack, starting June 3rd.

To see the questions, which will be posted in the channel the 1st Friday of the month, click on the pinned document labeled 2023-2024 chats at the top of the channel.


This month’s open DLF group meetings:

For the most up-to-date schedule of DLF group meetings and events (plus NDSA meetings, conferences, and more), bookmark the DLF Community Calendar. Can’t find meeting call-in information? Email us at info@diglib.org. Reminder: Team DLF working days are Monday through Thursday.

  • Born-Digital Access Working Group (BDAWG): Tuesday, 6/4, 2pm ET / 11am PT.
  • Digital Accessibility Working Group (DAWG): Wednesday, 6/5, 2pm ET / 11am PT.
  • Assessment Interest Group (AIG) Metadata Working Group: Thursday, 6/6, 1:15pm ET / 10:15 PT. 
  • AIG Cultural Assessment Working Group: Monday, 6/10, 2pm ET / 11am PT.
  • AIG Cost Assessment Working Group: Monday, 6/10, 3pm ET / 12pm PT.
  • Assessment Interest Group (AIG) Metadata Working Group: Thursday, 6/20, 1:15pm ET / 10:15 PT. 
  • AIG User Experience Working Group: Friday, 6/21, 11am ET / 8am PT.
  • Committee for Equity and Inclusion: Monday, 6/24, 3pm ET / 12pm PT.
  • Climate Justice Working Group: Wednesday, 6/26, 12pm ET / 9am PT.  
  • Digital Accessibility Working Group: Policy and Workflows subgroup: Friday, 6/28, 1pm ET / 10am PT. 

Interested in joining a current group, reviving a past one, or do you have a general question? Let us know at info@diglib.org. DLF Working Groups are open to all, regardless of whether or not you’re affiliated with a DLF member organization. Team DLF also hosts quarterly meetings with working group leaders and occasionally produces special events or resources for members. Learn more about working groups on our website and check out our Organizer’s Toolkit

Get Involved / Connect with Us

Below are some ways to stay connected with us and the digital library community: 

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