Call for participation: DLF community attendance at DPLA Appfest

Falling fast on the heels of the DLF Forum in Denver, is the first DPLA Appfest. The Appfest is an informal, open call for both ideas and functional examples of creative and engaging ways to use the content and metadata in the DPLA back-end platform. The first Appfest will take place on November 8-9, 2012, at the Chattanooga Public Library.

For this first event, DLF is providing a limited amount of travel support for up to 3 community members to attend as DLF community delegates.

If you are interested in attending as a DLF community delegate, please send your name, contact information, and a brief statement of interest to Jena Winberry.

Delegates will be chosen based on interest and participation in the DPLA and willingness to serve as a bridge between DLF and DPLA communities.

Delegates will be asked to report back to the DLF community about the event via blog post or similar narrative.

Delegates will be notified of travel support by October 26th.

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