DLF and the Kress Foundation are pleased to announce support of Tatiana Bryant‘s attendance at ARLIS2017, the annual conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America. The award is part of the GLAM Cross-Pollinator Fellowship series, which aims to bring a wide variety of gallery, library, archive, and museum professionals to the DLF Forum and to send DLF-associated professionals to other conferences.
Tatiana Bryant
Special Collections Librarian
University of Oregon
As a Special Collections Librarian at the University of Oregon, I provide public, technical, and outreach services as well as promote the use of digital resources to students and faculty. I support both user-driven and institutional DH, digitization, and digital preservation projects in collaboration with our Digital Scholarship Center. Visit my poster session at ARLISNA 2017 if you have a chance. I tweet about preserving cultural heritage @bibliotecariat.
Cross-Pollinator applications are still open for the following conferences this cycle:
Apply here.