This update comes to us from Hannah Scates Kettler, Digital Humanities Librarian at the University of Iowa and coordinator of the working group on Cultural Assessment within the DLF Assessment Interest Group.
The Cultural Assessment Group has published their annotated bibliography! The bibliography represents the initial environmental scan surrounding cultural and procedural biases in cultural heritage institutions with a particular focus on digital libraries. These resources have helped the group frame what cultural assessment would entail and the work people have already done in this regard. The annotated bibliography is also the foundation for future work the Cultural Assessment Group will do.
Thank you so much to everyone for their work on this!
You can find the (amazing!) annotated bibliography here:
The group is also soliciting feedback and recommendations via a running bibliography which will continue to grow as we come across new and useful resources. There are a couple of un-annotated items in the document already! Please feel free to add additional resources/annotations or comment on items you’ve found useful. We’d love to hear your thoughts!
The running bibliography for 2017 can be found here.