AMIA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Awards

DLF Cross-Pollinator

The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and DLF are pleased to partner once again in sponsoring a DLF/AMIA Hack Day. In support of the event, DLF is offering two travel grants to the AMIA Conference in Portland, Oregon, November 18-21, 2015.

The goal of the AMIA + DLF Travel Awards is to bring “cross-pollinators”–developers and software engineers who can provide unique perspectives to moving image and sound archivists’ work with digital materials, share a vision of the library world from their perspective, and enrich the Hack Day event–to the conference.


These grants extend the opportunity to attend the Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference to two software development professionals. The ideal applicant:

  • Seeks more exposure to trends in stewarding audiovisual collections
  • Would not typically attend the conference, but can envision and articulate a connection with their work
  • Sees great value in building a dynamic and diverse peer network
  • Is interested in participating in the AMIA+DLF Hack Day on November 18.

The Award

Two awards of up to $1,000 each to go towards the travel, board, and lodging expenses of attending the AMIA conference. Additionally, the awardees will each receive a complimentary full registration to the AMIA conference ($450). After the conference and Hack Day, recipients will be required to write a blog post about their experience, to be published by DLF. Recipients who submit a successful proposal reflecting on the cross-pollination experience and any related subsequent work to the 2016 DLF Forum in Milwaukee (November 7-9 2016) will also receive complimentary registration for that event.

The Experience

The AMIA+DLF Hack Day will be a unique opportunity for practitioners and managers of digital audiovisual collections to join with developers and engineers for an intense day of collaboration to develop solutions for digital audiovisual preservation and access. View the full set of pre-AMIA conference programs here, and learn more from previous participants, in their own words:

Brian Hoffman, software developer and recipient of a 2014 DLF + AMIA Cross-Pollinator Travel Grant:

“The conference was a great opportunity for cross-pollination, and this seemed to be a function of the community’s embrace of open-source projects and its hands-on / DIY style of engagement with them… I was happy to find a thriving Github community already in place and a number of archivist-developers, curator-developers, and developer-developers in attendance at the pre-conference Hack Day — an event which, instead of sinking into a bog of bootstrapping activity or dissolving into aimless tinkering, started up quickly and produced an array of working products and documentation targeting real-world problems.”

Tessa Fallon, digital archivist turned programmer, recipient of a 2014 DLF+AMIA Cross-Pollinator Travel Grant:

Joey Heinen, National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) Boston Resident

“The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and the Digital Library Federation’s (DLF) joint project – Hack Day – once again brought together archivists, programmers, and developers for an intense day of hacking and open-source tool development. Led and organized by AMIA’s Open Source Committee, this year’s menu featured an impressive and diverse line-up of project ideas that all were tackling some rather sinewy problems… Thanks to all the organizers for creating such a great event and to all the amazing minds that came together for the cause!”


Applicants must supply contact information and a resume, as well as a statement about how attending the Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference will expand your professional horizons, and what skills or ideas you could bring to the Hack Day. Please send an email with the subject “AMIA Cross-Pollinator: [Name]” to, including ONE attachment with the required materials. The winning applicants must be able to travel to Portland, November 18-21.


Applications are due by September 14, 2015, 4 pm EDT. Winners will be announced by late September.

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