Umbra Search African American History



This update comes to us from Cecily Marcus, principal investigator, Umbra Search, and curator, Givens Collection of African American Literature, Performing Arts Archives, and Upper Midwest Literary Archives.


Umbra Search African American History makes African American history more broadly available through a freely available widget and search tool,; digitization of African American history materials across University of Minnesota collections; and support of students, educators, artists, and the public through residencies, workshops, and events around the country. Now out of beta, brings together over 400,000 digitized materials from more than 1,000 libraries, archives and cultural heritage institutions across the country.


With support from the CLIR Hidden Collections Digitization grant, the University of Minnesota is digitizing nearly half a million objects, which will be added to Umbra Search over the next 18 months.

Follow us @UmbraSearch and #UmbraSearch365 for African American history every day of the year.


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