Support the Leadership, Technology, and Gender (LTG) Summit

The Leadership, Technology, and Gender (LTG) Summit is a new initiative, which will be held March 19-21, 2014 in Austin, Texas.

The LTG Summit will provide the opportunity for focused attention on a big challenge for the library profession. As libraries grow increasingly digital and technically complex, how will the gender inequities that are prevalent in the information technology field impact librarianship? This summit will convene thoughtful library professionals at all levels of the field and regardless of gender who wish to participate in a dynamic set of conversations about leadership, technology and gender in libraries and related fields. We hope to inspire practical, actionable approaches for a brighter future.

We are seeking support to make this event possible and keep registration costs low so more people can attend.

Ways to support the LTG Summit:

  • Make an individual donation
  • Sponsor through your organization
  • Contribute to the Grant Fund

Please contact with any questions. Registration is now open.

The LTG Organizers:
Amy Buckland, McGill University
Rachel Frick, Digital Library Federation
Bonnie Tijerina, Harvard University

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