Are you looking to get more involved with NDSA? Do you need to ramp up your service? NDSA is currently recruiting new co-chairs for the Standards & Practices and Content Interest Groups.
Interest Group Co-chairs host regular virtual meetings around topics of interest to NDSA members and the digital curation community, participate in monthly Leadership calls, and contribute to the strategic direction of NDSA. Interest groups may also engage in other activities of interest to members, such as developing educational materials. The NDSA Leadership team works collaboratively and provides support for interest group development. Terms are typically two years and are renewable. You can find out more about being a co-chair at Co-Chairing and NDSA Group.
The Standards and Practices Interest Group works to facilitate a broad understanding of the role and benefit of standards in digital preservation and how to use them effectively to ensure durable and usable collections. The Content Interest Group explores a broad array of topics related to preserving digital content, including: viable approaches to institutional collaboration; sharing strategies to address issues of scale and complexity; and the development of policies, practices, and community action to promote ethical and sustainable labor for digital stewardship.
If you’re interested in becoming a co-chair, please contact the current co-chairs to let them know. Any member of NDSA Leadership would be happy to answer any questions!
Standards & Practice: Felicity Dykas (DykasF [at] MISSOURI [dot] EDU)
Content: Brenda Burk (bburk [at] clemson [dot] edu) and Deb Verhoff (deb [dot] verhoff [at] nyu [dot] edu)
~ Nathan Tallman
NSDA Chair