Project Managers Group hosts its annual meeting on Thursday, November 7, immediately after the DLF Forum. This year’s theme is Building Alliances. As project managers we need collaborative partnerships—internal, external, and professional—to succeed. Yet, demands on our time and our teams are intense, budgets tight to non-existent, and customer expectations frequently misaligned. Join the group for a half-day event focusing on turning these potential negatives into positive and workable alliances: manage your alliances along with your projects.
UPDATE: PMG is pleased to announce their invited speaker for the November 7 meeting at the DLF Forum: Dr. Larry Browning of the College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin, both studies cross-functional teams and serves as a consultant in this area to organizations including Motorola, the Advanced Energy Consortium, and the US Air Force. Keeping with the PMG meeting theme of building alliances, Dr. Browning will focus on commitment and ownership to projects and effective teamwork. For more on Dr. Browning see
What: Project Managers Group annual meeting – Building Alliances
When: Thursday, November 7, 9 am to noon, followed by a networking lunch
Where: AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center, Austin, TX
Fee: $30.00, members and non-members (includes lunch)
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