NDSA Welcomes Three New Members in Quarter 1 of 2024

As of March 2024, the NDSA Coordinating Committee voted to welcome its three most recent applicants into the membership. Each new member brings a host of skills and experience to our group. Keep an eye out for them on your working and interest group calls and be sure to give them a shout out. Please join me in welcoming our new members! To review our list of members, you can see them here.

  • Bethany Scott, NDSA Coordinating Committee Chair

Anderson Archival

Anderson Archival seeks to join the National Digital Stewardship Alliance to expand our perspective and knowledge on the digital preservation field. As a provider of digital preservation services, we continually advocate for the digital preservation field and work to effectively communicate trends and standards with our peers and clients. Our team understands that digital preservation requires much more than simply digitizing in order to transform a collection into a powerful preservation and research tool. We are continuously looking to meet our clients where they are in their understanding of digital preservation and give them the resources they need to make informed decisions regarding their collections. Additionally, our website and blog offer valuable information on digitization and digital preservation that is available to everyone. Overall, at Anderson Archival, we are dedicated to providing top-notch digital preservation services and resources to our clients, and we are constantly striving to learn and improve our services in this ever-evolving field.

Digital Life Advisors

Digital Life Advisors applies what we perceive as digital stewardship practices to digital estate planning. We work with individuals, many of whom are older adults, to locate and organize their digital legacy assets. These assets can include photos, videos, personal writings, blogs, articles, newsletters, social media account presence, emails, computer and cloud files among other properties. We recommend password managers, digital vaults and other tools to secure and preserve our clients’ digital lives.

Mississippi Digital Library

The Mississippi Digital Library (MDL) is the collaborative digital library for the state of Mississippi. We are a network of over 50 partner institutions ranging from academic libraries and public libraries to historical societies and museums. MDL’s mission is to assist our partners in building high quality, sustainable digital collections and sharing their cultural and historical resources with researchers around the world. We are committed to teaching and educating our partners as well as the public on digital preservation and helping them determine the appropriate preservation actions for them. We are currently piloting a statewide digital preservation collaborative that will offer value added digital preservation services to Mississippi based institutions and help expand our role from education and access to preservation and sustainability of digital content.

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