ISLE: Islandora Installation Simplified – A Learn@DLF Workshop

The following post was written by the leaders of the ISLE: Islandora Installation Simplified session  at Learn@DLF: a day of workshops proceeding the 2018 DLF Forum. Email us at to add it to your existing registration!

David Keiser-Clark: Academic Application Developer, Williams College

Francesca Livermore: Digital Projects Librarian: Wesleyan University

Derek Merleaux: Senior Project Manager, Born-Digital

Diego Pino Navarro: Software Developer,

Benjamin Rosner: Senior Instructional Applications Developer, Barnard College

ISLE is a consortially-funded, next-generation docker-based infrastructure platform for Islandora. The magic and beauty of ISLE is that you are able to easily keep your Islandora system up to date with quarterly (or so) ISLE updates; each maintenance update is comprehensive and requires less than an hour to patch. Come to this workshop and explore ISLE with a bunch of friendly wizards to help you along the way!

The voting board at another ISLE workshop—lots of ideas to tackle!


The workshop will introduce ISLE for Islandora, a digital collection repository platform, and use it to spin up a full Islandora 7.x stack. Participants with a wide variety of skill sets will be welcomed and supported in hands-on work with ISLE. Anyone who works with installation or maintenance of Islandora, people from small institutions with Islandora repositories, and folks considering migrating to Islandora are especially encouraged to attend. Participants need not have development skills to attend, but do need attention to detail and a willingness to follow instructions for working with the command line. A laptop is required.

ISLE offers an appealing jump-start for institutions considering migrating from a proprietary digital repository to a Fedora-based open source collections management platform.

Islandora is a powerful digital repository toolkit comprised of more than 80 different open-source software libraries. This complex ecosystem makes Islandora difficult and expensive to install, maintain and customize. By utilizing pre-built, disposable Docker containers in conjunction with permanent but separable data stores, ISLE lowers the barrier to entry for new schools while also allowing existing institutions to reallocate maintenance budgets towards development or ingestion. ISLE offers an appealing jump-start for institutions considering migrating from a proprietary digital repository to a Fedora-based open source collections management platform.

Visit the Learn@DLF website to learn more about available workshops. Ready to enroll? Email to add HuMetricsHSS to your existing Forum registration.

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