ARL/DLF/Duraspace E-Science Institute

News flash! This program evolved into our wonderful DLF eResearch Network, now (as of late 2015) accepting applications for institutional teams to join in its third year.

What follows is for historical reference:

The ARL/DLF/Duraspace E-Science Institute is a set of designed learning experiences that take small teams of individuals chosen by research libraries though a process that strengthens and advances their e-science support role. The experiences begin mid-year with assignments each team will work on at their institution (coordinated through the program) and culminate in an in-person workshop where the teams produce strategic agendas for e-science/e-research support for their institutions.

For the first year, teams from sponsoring institutions formed a first cohort of teams to engage in the Institute experience. The second cohort was opened to the broader library community through a selective application process. Teams do the local assignments simultaneously, and each team attends the capstone event to allow richer group interaction.

E-Science is a large and complex topic that has developed over many years and touches every branch of science—both natural and social sciences. While the E-Science Institute will not be an education or training forum on e-science in general, it will provide participants with a designed learning experience for developing a sound strategic approach to exploring and supporting e-science research within their organizations.

Sponsor and Supporter institutions from the membership of ARL and CLIR/DLF funded the initial design of the Institute’s program of experiences. Duraspace joined the ALR/DLF partnership in 2012.

Overall Goals for the Institute

To advance research libraries’ capacity to support e-science/e-research by:

  • Promoting program development among ARL and CLIR/DLF members
  • Enabling development of a community of professionals engaged in this work
  • Fostering collaboration between member institutions and also ARL and CLIR/DLF

Outcomes for Institutions that Participate

  • Development of a local strategic agenda for e-science support that is near term and action-oriented
  • Exchange of community emerging practice
  • Connection with a community of staff engaged in program planning and deployment


Institute Leadership

Design leadership

  • DeEtta Jones Young, DeEtta Jones and Associates
  • MacKenzie Smith, MIT

Institute Coordinators

  • Karla Strieb, ARL
  • Rachel Frick, CLIR/DLF


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