DLF Forum Fellowships for New Professionals

The DLF community includes librarians, staff, and assistants who are lively, intellectually engaged, and inquisitive, but who are not always routinely funded to travel to conferences where they can learn more about the library profession, see digital initiatives from other institutions, and meet leaders in the profession.

The DLF community welcomes newcomers to the profession and new voices at the Forum. To further this aim the DLF will continue to provide DLF Forum Fellowships for New Professionals. The Forum is an excellent place to hear about the latest advances in digital librarianship, to meet new colleagues and contacts, and to get involved with DLF initiatives.

Four awards of up to $1,000 each to go towards the travel, board, and lodging expenses of attending a DLF Forum. Additionally, the fellows will each receive a complimentary full registration to the Forum. Fellowship recipients will be required to write a blog post, subsequent to the Forum, about their experience; this blog post will be published by DLF.

Any individual from an academic library is eligible. Nominations must come from a current DLF member Institution. Each DLF member institution is permitted to submit one candidate per Forum for this award. The following full- or part-time individuals are eligible:

  • Library employees (faculty, librarians, or staff) at DLF member institutions who have been in the profession for 3 years or less; and whose work is wholly or predominantly in some area of the digital library.
  • Graduate and undergraduate student assistants at DLF member institutions who, although only working part-time, make a significant contribution to a digital library endeavor and who may be considering a digital library career.

Send an email by Friday, September 6, 2013 containing electronic copies of the following items to lkwasigroch@clir.org, with the subject “Forum Fellowship: [Name]”:

  • Personal statement from the candidate (ca. 500 words) explaining their educational background, what their Digital Library involvement is, why they are excited about Digital Library work, and how they see themselves benefiting from the a DLF Forum.
  • Cover letter of nomination from their immediate supervisor or a library executive.
  • A current résumé.

Optional letters of support such as those from a supervisor, a library colleague, or a library patron are welcome and permitted, but not required.

Please note: each DLF member institution is permitted to submit one candidate per Forum for this award.

Candidates will be selected by the Forum Program Planning Committee. In assessing the applications, the Committee will look for a demonstrated commitment to digital library work as evidenced by work experience and academic background, and will consider the degree to which forum participation might influence the applicant’s decision to pursue a digital library career. They will also make sure that the applicants meet the basic eligibility requirements. Fellows will be notified by Monday, September 30, 2013.

The DLF Forum Fellowships for New Professionals are generously sponsored by Innovative Interfaces.

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