Livestream Schedule

Thanks to the generous support of the University of British Columbia Library and the Oberlin Group Libraries, recordings are available of portions of the 2015 DLF Forum and Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference. Recordings are held in cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository. The recordings are all available here.


Sunday, October 25

Recordings from the DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference are available here, including the joint keynote presentation by Cecily Walker and Chris Bourg – View.

Monday, October 26


Time Session Presenters Recording
9:00-10:30 am Opening Plenary & Keynote Address Larry Grant, Bethany Nowviskie, Safiya Noble View
10:45 am-12:00 pm Facilitating Researcher Discovery Across All Disciplines: Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Campus Researcher Profiles for Humanists and Social Scientists

Hacking the Hydra Community

Ruth Allee, Rebecca Bryant, Kate McCready, Julie Speer

Mark Bussey, Robin Ruggaber



1:30-2:30 pm Collaborative Efforts to Develop Best Practices in Assessment: A Progress Report Molly Bragg, Joyce Chapman, Jody DeRidder, Elizabeth Kelly, Santi Thompson View
2:45-3:45 pm Linked Data on the Ground Michael Cummings, Gloria Gonzalez, Xiaoli Li, Jackie Shieh, Carl Stahmer View


Tuesday, October 27


Time Session Presenters Recording
9:00-10:30 am Training Up and Reaching Out: Library Strategies to Coordinate Research Data Management on Campus

Data Management Plans as a Research Tool

Scout Calvert, Morgan Daniels, Ana Van Gulick, Sarah Pickle, Stephanie Simms

Patricia Hswe, Susan Parham, Brian Westra, Amanda Whitmire

10:45 am-12:00 pm Publishing Cooperatives: A New Way to Sustain Open Access?

Automate and Integrate: Implementing Open Access Policies So They Stick

John Willinsky

Martin Brennan, Justin Gonder, Kirk Hastings, Catherine Mitchell

1:30-2:30 pm Take Back the Archive

College Women: A Collaborative Cross-Institutional Archives Portal

Connecting Users and IRs: Personal Archiving via Zotero

Jeremy Boggs, Purdom Lindblad

Rachel Appel, Joanna DiPasquale, Monica Mercado

Smiljana Antonijevic, Ellysa Cahoy, Dawn Childress

2:45-3:45 pm APTrust: One Year into Production

Hydra in a Box

Fedora 4 Update

Chip German, Laura Capell, Elisabeth Long

Tom Cramer, Jonathan Markow Mark A. Matienzo

David Wilcox

4:00-5:00 pm 6 Snapshots – Process II Jacqueline Whyte Appleby, Jonathan Cain, Holly Mercer, Lars Meyer, Emily Porter, Hannah Rasmussen, Daniel Tracy View


Wednesday, October 28


Time Session Presenters Recording
9:00-10:30 am Statistical DPLA: Metadata Counting and Word Analysis

Think Globally, Act Locally: How Working with DPLA has Improved Our Collections

Corey Harper

Linda Ballinger, Emily Gore, Christina Harlow, Marcia McIntosh, Chris Stanton

10:45 am-12:00 pm Capacity and Community: Setting Agendas for #ourDLF Bethany Nowviskie, Charles Henry, Max Marmor, Jody DeRidder, Oliver Bendorf, Nikki Ferraiolo, Plato Smith, Hannah Scates Kettler, Cristela Garcia-Spitz, Mark A. Matienzo, Kelcy Shepherd, Amy Buckland View


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