Community Voting

The DLF Forum Program Planning Committee received a record number of proposals for the 2015 DLF Forum in Vancouver. From June 29 through July 8, proposals will be open for public voting. DLF community members will be able to review titles and abstracts, and assign scores based on their interest in seeing certain presentations as part of the Forum. After voting closes, the Program Planning Committee will use the community’s input to inform its decisions about the conference program.

People who submitted complete proposals will be notified of status by early August. Presenters will be guaranteed a registration place at the Forum. (And note that DLF Liberal Arts College Preconference proposals are being handled separately, by our LAC committee!)

Voting Process

Anyone is welcome to vote. One vote per proposal, per person, please. It is not necessary to create a login in order to vote. However, if more than 10 individuals attempt to vote from the same IP address, they 11th voter and beyond will be required to create a login.

There are six proposal types:

  • Presentations and Panels: Traditional lecture format with question-and-answer sessions. Speakers are requested to use only half of the allocated time for the presentation, including how they wish to engage the DLF community in their work. The second half of the session should focus on conversations about next steps, engagement with the community, and clarification of points raised during the presentation.
  • Workshops:
 In-depth, hands-on training about a tool, technique, workflow, etc. You can recommend a topic or trainer, or you can volunteer to share your own expertise.
  • Project Updates: 20-minute presentations that provide an opportunity to share the status or recent accomplishments of current projects with the community.
  • Working Sessions: 
Creative problem solvers, including project managers, developers, and/or administrators, gather to address a specific problem. This does not have to be a computational problem. The approach can be applied to workflow issues, metadata transformations, or other complex problems that would benefit from a collective, dynamic solution approach.
  • Snapshots: 7-minute presentations meant to engage and energize the audience. These can be reports of works in progress, a new tool under development, questions, provocations, and more. Presenters are asked to give a dynamic overview of their topic in a quick timeframe, with up to 24 slides. Accepted snapshots will be grouped together based on an overarching theme or idea, with time for audience questions at the end of each group.
  • Poster (Community Idea Exchange): A modified poster session plus lightning round. Presenters will have the opportunity to interact with Forum participants to discuss their current research projects, and/or demonstrate tools or services they have developed or are using in their digital library environment. Demos must include a poster element. Additionally, presenters are encouraged to give a one minute “lightning talk” on their poster during the lightning round at the beginning of the session.

The title and abstract will be available for each proposal. When you select a type from the “Choose Category” drop down, you can see all the proposals of that category. Click on a proposal title to see the abstract, and from there, click on the “Vote” button. You can scroll through a category with the “previous” and “next” buttons at the top of the proposal page, and move through all six categories via the drop down menu.

Please rank proposals as follows:

3:   Strong Yes
2:   Yes
1:   Maybe
0:   No

You can vote on all or some of the proposals, but please note, you will not be able to change your votes once they have been made.

Voting closes at 11:59 pm ET on Monday, July 6 Wednesday July 8. One vote per proposal per person, please.

The Forum Program Planning Committee will consider community voting results (taking into account both a proposal’s total score and the number of community votes it has received) among other factors when making final decisions on the 2015 DLF Forum program.

Thank you for helping to inform our selection process!

[button link=”” size=”medium” variation=”mossgreen” bgColor=”#009933″ align=”left”]VOTE HERE[/button]

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