Code4Lib Diversity Scholarship Winners

DLF is proud to be a sponsor of the Code4Lib 2014 Conference Diversity Scholarships. Congrats to all nine of the winners!

Zahra Ashktorab
Zahra Ashktorab is a first year PhD student in Information Science at College Park, UMD and a member of the Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL). She received her Masters degree in Human Computer Interaction from University of Maryland and a double Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Middle East Studies from University of Maryland. She has interned at the National Institutes of Health, the Smithsonian Institution and Data Science for Social Good. She is interested in cyberbullying detection, cyberbullying mitigation through third party applications studying social media and social networks, sentiment analysis of social network data, making predictions and recommendations based on available social media data, and user experience evaluation.

Jenny Gubernick
Jenny Gubernick is a Web Development Librarian at Pima County Public Library and a recent graduate of SIRLS at the University of Arizona, and their DigIn digital information management program. Jenny works on web, app, and instructional game design/development; user experience and usability testing; information architecture; technology and online resources training; and blog and Guide on the Side coordination/support.

Christina Harlow
Christina Harlow is employed as the Metadata Assistant in the Original and Special Materials Cataloging Department at the Columbia University Libraries. As part of her job she creates, updates, and remediates digital and physical collection metadata in a variety of standards and systems. Christina also works with projects dealing with topics such as linked data, data visualization, and social media archiving. She is the webmaster for the New York Technical Services Librarians Organization and as the legislative liaison for the Greater New York Metropolitan Chapter of the Association for College and Research Libraries.

Nabil Kashyap
Nabil Kashyap lives in Philadelphia and is currently the Digital Projects Resident at Swarthmore College. He earned an MSI from the University of Michigan’s School of Information and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Montana. He is particularly interested in facilitating the creative reuse of digitized cultural heritage materials.

Jennifer Maiko Kishi
Jennifer Maiko Kishi is a Digital Archivist at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architecture and a Preservation Technician at the Bay Area Video Coalition in San Francisco, CA. In 2013, she was awarded the Dance Heritage Coalition’s Preservation and Archives Fellowship. She
received her MLIS from UCLA with a specialization in Informatics and Archival Science in 2013, and holds a BA in Political Science from UCLA.

Arie Nugraha
Arie Nugraha works as a junior lecturer at the Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia. Arie is also an active developer and main programmer for the free open source library automation system Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS,, which is already used all over Indonesia’s archipelago and around the world, notably in South East Asia, Australia, Germany, Russia, and South America. He is very passionate about open source software and open standards because they enable knowledge sharing and transparency on how programs work.

Emily Reynolds
Emily Reynolds is a recent Masters graduate of the University of Michigan School of Information. She is currently participating in the inaugural class of the Library of Congress’s National Digital Stewardship Residency program, through which she works at the World Bank Group Archives. There, she is assisting in the management of an archival digitization program and exploring issues of digitization workflow automation and long-term digital preservation.

Coral Sheldon-Hess
Coral Sheldon-Hess is the Web Services Librarian for the University of Alaska Anchorage. She was a 2012 ALA Emerging Leader and a 2010 participant in PNLA’s Leadership Institute. She holds an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh and an M.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon. In her spare time, she co-founded and now co-manages a programming workshop for women, crochets, geeks out, bicycles (poorly), and evangelizes on behalf of the Oxford comma. You can find her blog at, or follow her on Twitter, @web_kunoichi.

Junior Tidal
Junior Tidal is the Multimedia and Web Services Librarian and Assistant Professor for the Ursula C. Schwerin Library at the New York City College of Technology, City University of New York. As Multimedia and Web Services librarian, he has done a variety of tasks including media collection development, reference support for students and faculty, server administration, web development, and supervising College Assistants for the library’s Multimedia Resource Center. His research interests include mobile web development, usability, web metrics, and information architecture. He is currently co-chair for the New York City Code4Lib chapter.

See the original announcement at

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