We are excited to announce that the program for the first Digital Library Federation Liberal Arts Colleges Preconference is now available.
An opening keynote and closing panel will bookend the day and frame conversations. The keynote will be jointly presented by Cecily Walker, Assistant Manager for Community Digital Initiatives & eLearning at Vancouver Public Library, and Chris Bourg, Ph.D., Director of Libraries at MIT. The closing panel, “Lead, Follow, or Listen,” will consider how liberal arts colleges can best contribute to ongoing discussions and activities in the digital library world. The panel will be interactive, and include administrator, library director, and digital librarian perspectives. Bethany Nowviskie, Director of the Digital Library Federation, will be the emcee.

The preconference will also include concurrent sessions of presentations and panels on pedagogical, organizational, and technological approaches to the digital humanities and digital scholarship, data curation, digital collections, and digital preservation. Presenters represent many regions and institution sizes, reflecting the strength and variety of the liberal arts community.
We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver. Register now!
Laurie Allen (Haverford College) and Kelcy Shepherd (Amherst College), co-chairs
on behalf of the planning committee:
Angie Beiriger (Reed College)
Kevin Butterfield (University of Richmond)
Brooke Cox (DePauw University)
Joanna DiPasquale (Vassar College)
Elisa Lanzi (Smith College)
Johan Oberg (Macalaster College)