Announcing the 2015 DLF Forum Program

We are very pleased to announce the availability of the full 2015 DLF Forum program!
With 209 submissions to the Forum proper, the DLF community more than doubled last year’s record-breaking response to our annual CFP. This made the task before our dedicated, volunteer Program Planning Committee even more challenging than expected. Community voting and careful committee review, along with the opening of an additional track of parallel sessions–and the willingness of our presenters to combine or condense presentations, and to keep strictly to time–has helped us accommodate as many participants as possible. The PPC is proud of creating a program that showcases excellent work being done in DLF member institutions and across the wide variety of fields and professions related to digital library development and use. Even more, as it is framed by an opening keynote by Safiya Noble, scholar of critical race theory, gender, and technology, and a closing, interactive session on “Setting Agendas for the DLF,” we hope this will be a program that pushes our broad and diverse community of practice forward.

Registration for the 2015 DLF Forum sold out unusually early this year, but we are adding names to our registration waiting list, and space remains in pre-and post-conference affiliated events, including the DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Pre-conference, DPLA Data Day, a LODLAM in Practice Workshop, the DPN Membership Meeting, the Taiga Forum, and more.

We hope to see many of you for the 2015 DLF Forum program in Vancouver. And mark your calendars for next year’s Forum, scheduled for 7-9 November 2016 in Milwaukee!

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