Announcing Incoming NDSA Coordinating Committee Members

We are pleased to announce and welcome four new members to the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Coordinating Committee, Stephen Abrams, Salwa Ismail, Linda Tadic, and Paige Walker!

Stephen Abrams is head of Harvard University’s newly-established digital preservation program. Stephen is particularly interested in promoting the national agenda’s recommendations regarding the need for a robust evidence base to ground and guide practice, which aligns with the research program of his doctoral investigation into the theoretical and pragmatic considerations underlying assessment of digital preservation efficacy.

Salwa Ismail is the Department Head for Library Information Technology at Georgetown University Library where digital and data preservation are part of her portfolio. Active in the Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) preservation community and a strong advocate for scalability and sustainability of digital preservation solutions, she has over 14 years of expertise in directing the design and development of technology strategies and systems.

Linda Tadic is founder and CEO of Digital Bedrock, a managed digital preservation service provider. It serves any type of organization and even individuals. The impetus for founding the company was to help any size or type entity receive detailed digital preservation services at low cost. Clients currently include educational institutions, museums, producers, studios, nonprofit archives, distributors, and law firms.

Paige Walker is the Digital Collections & Preservation Librarian at Boston College. She is an active member of the NDSA Content Interest Group and the NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group. Paige has a BA from UC Berkeley, an MSLIS from Simmons College, and is working on an MS in cybersecurity from Boston College.

Members of the NDSA Coordinating Committee serve staggered terms. We thank our outgoing Coordinating Committee members, Robin Ruggaber, Micah Altman, Mary Molinaro, and Gabriela Redwine, for their service and many contributions. We are also grateful to the very talented, qualified individuals who participated in this election.

To sustain a vibrant, robust community of practice, we rely on and deeply value the contributions of all members, including those who took part in voting.

Best wishes to all as we welcome Stephen, Salwa, Linda, and Paige to their new roles in coming year!

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