CFPs are here! 2020 DLF Forum and Affiliated Events


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UPDATE 3/26/2020: The deadline for all CFPs has been extended to Monday, May 11, 2020. For more updates on DLF Forum & COVID-19, please see the Forum website.

It’s hard to believe, but CFP season is here once again!

Have a great idea for a session to share at one of our events in Baltimore? You’re in luck! We have just issued Calls for Proposals for our conferences happening this November: the DLF Forum (#DLFforum, November 9-11), our Learn@DLF pre-conference (#LearnAtDLF, November 8), NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2020: Get Active with Digital Preservation (#digipres20, November 11-12), and CLIR’s Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium (#digHC, November 11-12).

For all events, we welcome submissions from members and nonmembers alike. Students, practitioners, and others from any related field are invited to submit for one conference or multiple (though, different proposals for each, please). Please keep in mind that submissions for the Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium should come from current or former participants in CLIR Digitizing Hidden Collections grant projects.

The DLF Forum and Learn@DLF CFP is here: 

NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2020: Get Active with Digital Preservation CFP is here: 

CLIR’s Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium CFP is here : 

Session options range from 2-minute lighting talk sessions at DigiPres to half-day workshops at Learn@DLF, with many options in between.

New this year, we’ve put together a video with some tips for successful conference proposals. We encourage everyone to watch and incorporate these suggestions clearly into your submissions. Watch the video here: 


The deadline for all opportunities is Monday, May 11, at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

This is an extension from the original deadline of April 27.

If you have any questions, please write us at, and be sure to subscribe to our Forum newsletter to stay up on all Forum-related news. We’re looking forward to seeing you in Baltimore!

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